Isledistro prime helps lower shipping cost by signing up for monhtly or quarterly delivery.
Almost every city around the world has torrent of traffic. Delivering your package within the same city could also be worrisome
All cargo are properly screened and packaged for safe delivery.
With our multiple support channel, we assure you unerring support whenever you need it.
It's the 21st century, speed matters and we know your business depends on it.
Almost every city around the world has torrent of traffic. Delivering your package within the same city could also be worrisome
We handle deliveries tagged 'volatile or dangerous'.
Isledistro prides itself having geo-political affiliation with various shiiping port and different point of entries.
Our staff around you work with all honesty. Our freight plans have no hidden costs.
Isledistro prime helps lower shipping cost by signing up for monhtly or quarterly delivery.
Having challnages solving your in-house logistics problems? Let's put an end to it.
We have done the partnering and you wouldn't need to move to get your goods.
Know where exactly your goods are, we have 24/7 technology driven.
Call Us or send us an email and we will do all the heavy lifting. No don't have to leave your home or office. Our staff or agent will locate you and pick up the package(s)
You can track your shipment status using your tracking/waybill number on our website. Your package location and more information about it will be displayed on your device instantly.
A government issued ID is all you need. In a situation where that is not available, a One Time Password (OTP) would be sent to the receiver's phone number to share with the delivery personnel